Tag Archives: braavos

Game of Thrones: ‘High Sparrow’ Review

The Avengers

The Avengers

Littlefinger: “There’s no justice in the world, not unless we make it. You loved your family. Avenge them.”

This week, it was all about vengeance…well at least planning for vengeance. Sansa and Littlefinger arrive at Moat Cailin’. Arya wants revenge for those responsible for killing her family. Jon Snow serves up some justice of his own. And an old friend returns, much to Tyrion’s dismay. Oh, and of course the High Sparrow’s arrival in King’s Landing will be extremely important going forward. Very cool watching this all come to life on screen!

High Sparrow, Game of Thrones 3rd episode, had some great interactions between some awesome characters. Cersei and Margaery, as well as her conversation with the High Sparrow, was put together perfectly and it appears that Margaery has a plan in motion to potentially rid King’s Landing of Cersei. And not to mention that there is a whole lot going on at Moat Cailin with many characters all showing up for what should be a showdown of epic proportions.

There is A LOT of characters and stories happening all at once and we didn’t even get to check in on Dany or Dorne. No dragons this week, but at least it’s a nice day in King’s Landing. Enjoy the review!

I thought winter was coming.

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Game of Thrones: ‘The House of Black and White’ Review

It Doesn’t Matter If Your Black Or White

It Doesn't Matter If Your Black or White

Arya Stark: “Well who are you then?”
Jaqen H’Ghar: “No one. And that is whom a girl must become.”

Episode 2 of Game of Thrones’ fifth season, titled The House of Black and White, certainly didn’t disappoint and once again, we were treated to multiple storylines all across Westeros and Essos. Heck, we even got a more detailed look at Dorne with a number of new character introductions. And while the show is now completely changing things up from the books, it has added some extra freshness to the show because not knowing what the fuck is going to happen next is something I’d lost after Season 3 after binge-reading all 5 books in a month. Damn you, Red Wedding.

What we do know, however, is that Dorne is going to become a big part of the story with certain characters from King’s Landing on their way there. Even Myrcella Baratheon (i.e. Jaime and Cersei’s only daughter) is back in the mix of things after Oberyn’s death last season. And it looks like things are shaking up pretty good with changes being made throughout King’s Landing and Meereen. Damn it must not feel good to be a ruler!

And just because I borrowed this title from a Michael Jackson song, it’s only fitting that Thriller himself makes an appearance on this blog, Macaulay Culkin included:

Let’s get right to it shall we. Valar Morgulis style.

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Game of Thrones: ‘The Wars To Come’ Review

Don’t Stop Believing

Don't Stop Believing

“The freedom to make my own mistakes was all I ever wanted” -Mance Rayder

Spring is here which can only mean one thing…that winter is coming! That’s right, Game of Thrones premiered last night on HBO and, after last season’s crazy finale that saw Tywin Lannister meet his unfortunate demise, there is a lot going on in Westeros. So much so that I don’t even know where to begin. The Wars to Come made for an epic premiere and I think most of the episode was meant to really fill us in on what in the fuck happened last season and where most of these characters are headed.

That said, we have numerous power players looking to make their entry into the game of thrones. Stannis is at the Wall, Dany is in Meereen, young Tommen and Cersei are in King’s Landing, Sansa’s in the Eyrie and who the fuck knows where Arya is since she didn’t make an appearance. Luckily for all of us, things are moving along quickly so let’s check in and see what our most beloved and hated characters are up too for what is sure to be an epic season.

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Game of Thrones: ‘The Children’ Review

Where Do Whores Go?


Well, even though it aired on Father’s Day, last nights season finale of Game of Thrones was all about ‘The Children‘, and even though the title is probably referring to the Children of the Forest, the focus of the entire episode was on the children of Westeros–those mainly being Jon Snow, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, Arya and of course Dany’s dragons–Rhaegar and Viserys.

Further, this Season Finale was easily the best one of all of the others for a variety of reasons and, I would argue, was the first time that the Finale outdid the penultimate episode before it.

And to top it all off, with the way things ended, there is going to be speculation abound for what awaits us next season.

So, now that you have your cup filled with wine and your plate full of pigeon pie, check out the rest of the review below (Warning: Graphic images follow): Continue reading →

Game of Thrones: ‘The Watchers On The Wall’ Review

A Giant Mess Of Epicness


Living up to the usual hype that is the 9th episode of Game of Thrones, The Watchers On The Wall did not disappoint. In yet another epic battle, we can compare this one to the 9th episode of Season 2 when Tyrion and his crew were defending King’s Landing with a little bit of wildfire on Blackwater Bay (OK, maybe it was A LOT of wildfire).  But this time, we head far North to the Wall where the Night’s Watch is under attack…by 100,000 Wildings–which includes GIANTS AND FUCKING MAMMOTHS! The night is dark and also apparently filled with epic-sized beasts!

Further, more death for some of our characters and one unbelievably sick scene where wildings were literally RIPPED off the wall by a massive grappling hook. Tears were also probably shed by all as we bid adieu to one of the greatest catch phrases of all time. At the end of the day, this episode was less about the plot and more about the action and, besides the yawnfest that is Samwell Tarly, loads of action we did get, I swear t’is true!

With only one week left until the Finale, The Watchers on the Wall did not disappoint although I am still very curious to see how they are going to fit everything into the finale unless every single scene is a ‘HOLY FUCK’ moment.

Check out the rest of the review below (Warning: Graphic images will follow as this episode was, just like last week, bloody as fuck):

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Game of Thrones: ‘The Mountain and the Viper’ Review

Summer Slammed


Game of Thrones…you have outdone yourself yet again and you also have outdone every single horror movie with the level of gore in this episode. Or was this a full hour introduction to the new Mortal Kombat X? Just when I think I can’t see anything more ultra-violent, the kind of ‘gross’ that makes you want to vomit up your dinner immediately. That was pretty much where we were left at the end of ‘The Mountain and the Viper’, easily one of this season’s BEST episodes. Any show that has the ability to make my entire FACE ache with pain is doing something right…and I am sure I am not the only one who instantly received a headache for simply watching that last scene. In other news, Advil sales increased 300% late last night.

Before we get to that though, there was a lot more happening throughout Westeros and Essos and plenty of new character introductions to confuse all of us. For me, the scenes with Theon, Ramsay and Roose Bolton were the most interesting as I have been waiting to see how this storyline in the North plays out. Plus, MOAT CAILIN:


All in all, another fantastic instalment of Game of Thrones. This has easily been the best season to this point and there is still more to come folks! LOTS actually, and only two hours to cram it all into (drools).

Check out the rest of the review below (Warning: Graphic images will follow as this episode was bloody as fuck):

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Game of Thrones: ‘Mockingbird’ Review

Angry Bird


♫ Hush little Sansa don’t say a word, cus Auntie Lysa is a crazy mockingbird. ♫ 

♫ And if that Mockingbird don’t sing, papa’s gonna PUSH THAT BITCH OUT THE FUCKING MOON DOOR ♫ 

Because this is freaking Game of Thrones! While the episode lacked in action we did get a big scene at the end that should have some ramifications going forward. But really, not much happened so I am hoping the show will pick up the action when it returns in TWO WEEKS (after the Memorial Day holiday).

While Mockingbird was really not that great, it did have a couple of good moments, including all of Tyrion’s scenes as he tried desperately to find himself a champion. He is definitely saying his farewell’s and one way or another and will be leaving King’s Landing. The question is: will it be in a body bag?

And while the show is clearly changing up the story from the books, it has become obvious that they are only changing minor parts of the story rather than introduce new characters. It makes sense since there are so many freaking characters in the books but I feel as though some of the plots have been less exciting if only because the show is forced to recycle characters they have used in previous seasons (such as Hot Pie…yawn).

Now read the review for Mockingbird below:  Continue reading →

Game of Thrones: ‘The Laws of Gods and Men’ Review

The Scales of Misjustice


This show is the best. Easily. It is leaps and bounds above all other competition and after last night’s episode, titled ‘The Laws of Gods and Men’, this was all but confirmed. Heck, we even got to finally see a new City during the title sequence…Welcome to Braavos folks. Also, does anyone else who has read or is reading the books notice how often George R. R. Martin describes food? Technically, there is only 4 books if you omit all of the food and drink descriptions. Hands down, these are the only books I have read that actually make me hungry. I just wanted to point this out in case any one else noticed this. Just make sure you have a cupboard full of munchies if you plan on reading them any time soon. You’ve been warned!

But back to ‘The Laws of Gods and Men‘ and all its epicness. The one amazing thing that this fourth season has been able to accomplish is that it has added completely new stories to fill in gaps from the books, which makes it fresh for those that already know the story. But it still does so in a way that keeps all of the main plots in tact, which is important when your playing the Game of Thrones. Every little move matters, especially when chaos is a ladder, right Littlefinger?

Further, we got ourselves a new city and character introduction but the big event of the episode was Tyrion Lannister’s trial and it did NOT disappoint, even if the entire trial was clearly a farce. Read the review below:

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