Tag Archives: Tywin’s Death

Game of Thrones: ‘The Children’ Review

Where Do Whores Go?


Well, even though it aired on Father’s Day, last nights season finale of Game of Thrones was all about ‘The Children‘, and even though the title is probably referring to the Children of the Forest, the focus of the entire episode was on the children of Westeros–those mainly being Jon Snow, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, Arya and of course Dany’s dragons–Rhaegar and Viserys.

Further, this Season Finale was easily the best one of all of the others for a variety of reasons and, I would argue, was the first time that the Finale outdid the penultimate episode before it.

And to top it all off, with the way things ended, there is going to be speculation abound for what awaits us next season.

So, now that you have your cup filled with wine and your plate full of pigeon pie, check out the rest of the review below (Warning: Graphic images follow): Continue reading →